Experienced and Dedicated Gun Safety Instructors

Girl Shooting a Gun

About Us

Discover how to safely handle a firearm to protect yourself and other people with Revere Beach Firearms Academy. With more than two decades of teaching experience, we offer comprehensive safety courses for various clients in a private or group setting.

Meet Our Instructor: Victor Meservey

  • Human Being, Son, Father, Husband, Friend, Dog lover, Conservationist, Educator, Lover of life, and passionate supporter of 2nd Amendment.

  • Lifelong Massachusetts resident currently living on the North Shore.

  • UMASS Boston Alumni Class of 2000, Bachelor of Arts concentration Exercise Physiology.

  • 20+ years of experience providing one on one and small group training instruction.

  • American Red Cross Certified CPR AED First Aid Instructor, NRA Certified RSO, Basics of Pistol Shooting, and Basic Home Firearm Safety Instructor, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Certified Basic Firearms Safety Instructor, NRA Recruiter.

Man Firing a Gun

Our Core Values


Safety is Paramount.


As your firearm safety course provider, we recognize that everyone learns differently. We are committed to meeting you were you are at with a customized approach to learning.


We salute you for taking the first step in obtaining you Massachusetts FID/LTC. Whether your motivation is personal protection, recreation, or sport we commend you in taking the first step.

Get in Touch

When you have questions or concerns, reach out to us today. We would be happy to address all your inquiries about our company and services.